2023 Elections
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Open Positions
3 year term starting as President-Elect for 2024, President 2025, Immediate Past President for 2026. You roll automatically from one position into the next when elected
Hours per week- average 4-10 hours per week. This may include time spent in board meetings, preparing for the presidential role, engaging in strategic planning, communicating with other board members, and liaising with State Academy Leaders. The President-Elect regularly corresponds with the President, Board, Executive Director, and State Academy Leaders, especially in planning forums and reviewing strategic plans.
President-Elect Duties:
The President-Elect shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.
It shall be the primary responsibility of the President-Elect, with the advice of the President, to anticipate the duties of the President during the forthcoming year and to prepare committee appointments for submission to the Board.
The President-Elect may serve in an ex-officio position on all committees.
At the termination of the President's term in office, the President-Elect shall succeed to the office of the President.
The President-Elect shall review the strategic plan and goals of the board with the Executive Director and Board members prior to taking office as President and work with the board to update as needed.
The President-Elect shall be the liaison to the State Academy Leaders and host State Academy Forums regularly.
President Duties:
The President shall be the Executive Officer of the Board and shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of President and as assigned by the Board. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Board and the general business meeting at the Annual Meeting.
The President shall appoint Chairs of all standing and special committees. The President shall appoint all liaisons to external organizations. The President shall serve as an ex officio member of all committees.
The President shall appoint members at large to committees that are deemed in the best interest of said committee.
The President may sign on behalf of the association, all instruments, which the Board has authorized to be executed.
Upon completion of the President's term, the President shall serve in the capacity of Immediate Past President for one year as a voting member of the board.
The President shall observe that protocol and policies of business are consistent with the Bylaws.
Immediate President Duties:
The Immediate Past President shall serve as a fully voting member of the Board and Chair of the Nominating Committee. The duties may include others as assigned by the Board.
The Immediate Past President shall, in the absence of the President, or in the event of his or her inability or refusal to act, as determined by the Board, perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, have all the power of, and be subject to, all the restrictions of the President.
The Immediate Past President shall assist the Executive Director with:
Nominations and voting of Executive Committee and Board of Director Seats
Organize a strategic planning session a minimum of every 3 years o Review the Bylaws and Policy & Procedures Manual. Present any changes or updates to the Board of Directors to vote on.
Committee Executive
Executive committee member and Board member
Hours per week- average 1 - 4 hours per week. This may include time spent supporting the standing committee chairs, ensuring resources are allocated correctly, meeting with Committee Chairs, and working with the Student Sub-committee and external liaisons. The Committee Executive frequently corresponds with Committee Chairs, Student Sub-committee members, and external liaisons to ensure effective execution of their work.
Committee Executive Duties:
The Committee Executive shall be responsible for supporting the standing committee chairs and their members in executing an annual work plan that supports the strategic plan objectives. The Committee Executive will work through the EC to ensure proper resources and attention are paid to important committee projects.
The Committee Executive shall meet with Committee Chairs on a regular basis and provide updates to the EC.
The Committee Executive shall serve as an ex officio member of each committee
The Committee Executive shall work closely with the Student Sub-committee to ensure student issues are prioritized by the association and students are represented in committee work.
The Committee Executive shall work closely with all external liaisons, including appointed representatives to ASA standing committees.
Board of Director (1 Central Region, 1 Southern Region, & 1 At Large)
Board member
Central Region- currently PRACTICING in a state represented by the Central Caucus
Southern Region- currently PRACTICING in a state represented by the Southern Caucus
At-large - currently PRACTICING in any jurisdiction nationwide
Hours per week- average 1-2 hours per week with a 1-3 hour board meeting two times a quarter. This time is typically spent determining policies and activities, ensuring effective planning, monitoring programs and services, reviewing staff and contractors, approving official statements, and providing financial oversight. Board of Directors regularly corresponds with other board members, the Executive Director, and staff or contractors during reviews. They also communicate frequently during board meetings and when deliberating on policies, activities, and financial matters.
Board Duties:
Main duties of the Board are as follows:
The Board shall determine the policies and activities of the AAAA and approve the annual budget.
The Board shall ensure effective planning to determine mission and purpose, and advocate for them. The Board will delegate to the Executive Director to direct the operating organization and provide timely reports that accurately reflect the activities of the association.
The Board shall monitor and strengthen programs and services that support the strategic plan.
The Board shall review all staff and contractors on an annual basis.
The Board shall approve all official AAAA statements, policies, and procedures.
The Board shall protect assets and provide financial oversight to ensure legal and ethical integrity.
The Board shall vote and approve the President's appointees.
Maintain regular and frequent communication with fellow board members and the broader organization
Collaborate and participate actively in the diverse activities and ongoing projects of the board
Make yourself readily available to engage with board activities, demonstrating commitment to the organization's mission and strategic objectives.
Which caucus can you represent? Click here to view the caucus map!
Conflict of Interest Policy
The AAAA shall distribute and keep active a Conflict of Interest policy for the Board of Directors, as well as representatives, whether contractors, volunteers, executive officers, or members. Conflict of Interest procedures and disclosure paperwork will be distributed to Board members at the beginning of each fiscal year. At the beginning of each board meeting, the president will request for any disclosure of conflicts of interest. Any director having a duality of interest or possible conflict of interest on any matter shall recuse themselves from the discussion, not vote or use personal influence on the matter, and shall not be counted in determining the quorum for the meeting even where permitted by law.