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CAA Fact Sheets

We offer the following documents to educate and inform the public on the Certified Anesthesiologist Assistants (CAA) profession. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce unaltered.

  1. CAA Professional Overview Fact Sheet

  2. CAA Brochure

  3. CAA Training and Education Fact Sheet

  4. CAA CRNA Fact Sheet


Where Do CAAs Practice?

CAAs are authorized to practice in 20 jurisdictions -- 15 states, Washington, DC, and the US Territory of Guam. CAAs may practice at any Veterans Affairs facility in all 50 states. The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recognize both CAAs and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) as non-physician anesthesia providers. Similarly, commercial insurance payers make no distinction between the two anesthetist types with regard to payments for services provided under medical direction by a physician Anesthesiologist. 

CAA Practice Authorization Map_Jan 2025.png

CAAs are excellent anesthesia practitioners

CAAs choose to practice in the Anesthesia Care Team model under the direction of a physician anesthesiologist. The care team approach has been shown to provide the highest quality patient care, and studies demonstrate the best outcomes are when a physician and anesthetist work together to treat patients. 

Anesthesia Care Team Safety Study
ACT Safety Study (Abstract)
News Release – ACT Safety Study

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Phone: 678.222.4233 | Fax: 608.492.0523


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